The primary focus of our discussion today centers on the critical importance of maintaining a valid RSS feed for your podcast. We delve into the complexities surrounding podcasting 2.0 and its implications for enhancing the podcasting experience through improved RSS functionalities. Throughout the episode, we explore various podcast applications that facilitate the generation of clips, highlighting how these innovations contribute to the overall quality and accessibility of podcasts. Additionally, we engage in a thorough examination of the validation process for RSS feeds, emphasizing the necessity of ensuring that these feeds are error-free to maximize audience engagement and satisfaction. Our conversation culminates in a practical action step, encouraging listeners to actively validate their own feeds and thereby enhance their podcasting endeavors.
In this insightful exchange, we embark on a comprehensive analysis of the podcasting ecosystem, focusing particularly on the technical specifications that underpin successful content distribution. Central to our discourse is the significance of a valid RSS feed, which serves as the backbone of podcast accessibility. We dissect the various types of errors that can plague a feed and the resultant impact on listener experience.
But the challenge is that the regular user maybe [doesn’t] understand that's important. But in the future, they will understand why podcasting 2.0 is important.
Martin, 07:50
The conversation further extends to the implications of gamification in podcasting, where audience engagement is enhanced through interactive features and rewards. We are reminded of the delicate balance between creativity and technical acumen required of podcasters today.
This episode ultimately encourages content creators to not only produce compelling audio narratives but also to invest in the technical foundations that will ensure their work is recognized and celebrated in the competitive landscape of digital media.
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OP3 -
01:09 - Introduction to Studio Fusion
06:46 - Understanding Podcasting 2.0
16:43 - Understanding Valid RSS Feeds in Podcasting
22:07 - Dynamic Content That Causes Chapter Errors
29:39 - Troubleshooting RSS Validation Errors
33:11 - Understanding RSS Feed Validation
Welcome everybody to Studio Fusion. And I'm Deborah and we have Martin.
Everywhere where you listen to podcasts, you'll find the audio version and the video version show up on the YouTube channel for social web Cafe.
But we're talking about clips. I like how new modern podcast application is doing very different things. Like Fountain has their version of it. Podverse has its version.
You could say that the. The one for iPhones Overcast. They have a simple version or simple way. He's doing it very, you know, it's working for him.
So he was, I think one of first that you could do like a simple clip. And now true fans. And I must say again, is this gamification in a positive way.
And it's web universal app, web progress, progressive application until he will have an iPhone and an Android app also.
But I like how he's focusing on getting all the bugs and everything. Not that there's bugs, but I mean he's focused on really getting the quality done on the web.
And then he explains that also during our conversation. Why exactly he says that that's so called not a fail but in quotation marks now because they don't understand it.
But it was a smart move to do that to get everything in all the ducks in the row.
I was kind of delayed on working on our podcast. I even told Sam that because I was talking to him last week and asking him questions about.
I was so excited and I thought I have to go edit the podcast episode that you appear on because you're our guest. And I can't seem to leave your website alone because I just love true.
Fans and you did also great things. It's really fun to watch or to listen and to hear your name now I pronounce it.
And also the name of the podcast you do, Fusion, about James Gridland's POD News. Oh yes, he has that as one service. But then you have to do it in a certain way. And you did do all the, you know, check marks there.
So now we are officially.
We are official. Yes, yes.
So and that's also that challenge because I never thought about that myself either. When you roll out, you know, in a slowly way. But now we are on so called on the MA or however you want to call it. And you said it in a nice trailer.
So now. And we are really trying now we have to both come up with topics, but that's no problem.
Anyway, that's easier than the launch. To me, a podcast launch is really hard as far as the amount of time, like I told you the templates we were emailing back and forth.
It took me like four days. And that's me. I can get really picky on that one. But it's like I'll do an intro and it's like, okay, that's not right.
And then I'll scrap it and I'll do another intro. Nope, that's not right. And scrap it and do another intro and I'm key. And then all of a sudden it's like, oh yes, that's right.
And then after do the intro. I didn't even. You haven't even seen it, Martin. It's just sitting on my computer.
Then I'm ready to edit the content, take the content, edit the audio and the. And the podcast gets launched. So there's like four days where nothing was produced because all I'm doing is going through the template.
But once the template's done, now we're a machine. Now we produce, produce, produce, produce.
So now we will have to get guests in. And also that's we to joke. We. We want to listen to podcasting 2.0 live stream. So that's why we now have.
I want to hook that up. Yeah, the live tag. I want to do that. I didn't do it this week.
But that's so big. Take the time also because it's not so many shows out there yet. But when we.
We're gonna do it, we're gonna do it.
So we will not so called compete with. And that's good. So then the guest also knows that.
And Sam, we know that he likes to, you know, listen to podcasting 2.0 but he took time to be our guest. But then I was thinking about that. So it's good to have that guest. Will know that it will be an hour before and then.
Or this time we are doing it an hour before. So it will be good time slot. I listened to how to say the intro of our first episode with Michael. That's perfect.
And I wanted to say that of the first episode that Michael is doing the introduction there. Like how do you say voiceover or what you call. And we talked about that in the green room about different accents.
And I think of course English is my second language. I have my so called Queen's English. And now. Now it's King's English or. Or something like that.
And where will have accents but often have you thought about that? Often like somebody buys a voiceover or they find a AR bot talking like it's often English.
Have you heard about even American podcast or shows they have this English thing. And now I. I really like to. To listen to. To Michael, to introduce us. And now the podcast.
I like listening to him. He's fun.
Yeah, it was fun.
The question is, is podcasting 2.0 important to you? And then we go to the next one, and if yes, then we continue, and if no, then we stop. Because what we're saying is the next slide, is it.
Podcasting two is not important.
And I like your style, and this is the logical in a way, but it's in a positive way. This is pretty harsh, and I like how you come up with it and your conclusion, and this will really drive home something.
Well, yeah, and I didn't mean it harsh, but it's, you know, if you ask yourself, yeah, it's like, okay, it's not important.
Yeah. And this is the mission statement, in a way, for podcasting 2.0, the initiative.
They say they want to, you know, support and they want to enhance and something more with the rss. That is really important.
Right. Well, then it fits in with what we're talking about today.
But the challenge is that the regular user maybe don't understand that's important. But in the future, they will understand why podcasting 2.0 is important. So with this now, they have given lots of argument in a logical way.
And yeah, it is harsh in the sense that it's a binary question of, hey, okay, then you got to face up, it's either important, it's not. So then our next question is, is a valid RSS feed important to you?
And the movie or the video that we're going to watch, we'll go through this for valid. And part of that on the next slide is, for instance, do you care what it looks like? Do you care whether or not the tags.
And we'll learn more about tags as we go on. You're not going to become an expert today as far as podcasts or podcasting 2.0 tags.
That's what Sam is calling features.
Right? Right. Is that important that they're valid? And do you care what your podcast, your display looks like, your presentation and so forth?
And then the answer to that, if it's yes, then we continue on this decision tree, and if it's no, then stop. Because basically you're saying that quality doesn't matter. I mean, that's just what you're saying.
So then the next question, and this is where the rubber hits the road or whatever, to what length are you prepared to go for a valid RSS feed? Are you willing to. And I'm kind of giving a hint.
So maybe we'll just say this one really quick and that will come up in the video, but to the length that I wind. And again, doesn't make any sense until we watch the video. So. Or hire someone to do it or you know, go to.
I think it would be, oh, a host that will do it for you. Again, this makes more sense when we watch the video. Or just leave it and let it be invalid.
And if you leave it and let it be invalid, you've just gone back to the previous question and said the validity doesn't matter that much. And if you do that, you are saying that you're going to leave it alone.
And you can't really complain about your podcast not operating correctly and the display looking bad, the tags being all mixed up and all that because you've just decided that it's not important enough to go the extra mile.
But it's very important that you have your rss, your own rss and it's valid and nobody will mess with it.
Yep, yep.
Except yourself. If you like knowledgeable.
If you do that, if it's too loud, you know, just give me a Signal and podcasting 2.0 or 2.0 or however you want to pronounce that, then hopefully you have an RSS feed that is valid. We can talk about the details of that more. But if it's not valid, it will not produce good results. Valid results.
Fortunately, at Trufans there is a validator where we can check that. So we're on the Trufans website, as you can see from the upper left where it says currently it says 2025 and the trufans logo.
And we are going to look for the tool. Sam Sethi and his team have a wonderful validator tool validation tool.
It's called the Validator, upper right and at the bottom there where it says Validator. Okay, we are on the validation page and you'll see the logo again. Retrue fans. And we can type in the podcast that we are looking for.
Now, I look at this as podcasts fit into three categories. It's either it's like a stop light, like a traffic light. You're either going to get a stop go or yield. In other words, more information.
So you've got a red, green or yellow. And if it's red, that means, well, it's not likely to be on Trufans because it just did not validate at all.
So we're not gonna look at those because, well, I didn't Find any of those. So let's look at the green to start out with. Those are the ones that are valid.
So I'm gonna look at a couple of mine because I know that they actually showed up as valid.
Okay. Will you. Did you get all the anchors or you know, Spotify for creators?
Then also, you know, junk podcast that is only test or, or some other services that upload. Maybe that's not a regular podcast, it's other kind of material and no, it's. It's the real, you know, real deal. So.
Right. Because it doesn't validate out there.
But he has managed them. But at the beginning you had to so called apply in order to get your podcast on truefence.
But it was not as some of these other services that's floating around that use the data, you know, claim your podcast on our new service and may they use the data in order to sell it. This is that this service will be valid and usable in all ways. So. But it's good to do it in these different steps.
I had a podcast up here and I don't want to name names, but it was somebody, somebody a friend of mine and somebody that actually worked with called it her. Again, I'm not going to name names, but called it her podcast. And it's not a podcast. I mean it's not on true fans and it's never going to show up.
It's basically an audio recording. And it would have been one of those that would be under the category of red because of stoplight because it's not a podcast.
And you're absolutely right. There's a lot of things out there that people call podcasts that are just audio recording if that's. Some of them are barely an audio recording.
So yeah, it's not a pod is. Hey, it's not a podcast. But also there's a little hint on the yellow.
You can have one that really isn't quite a podcast, but it's got enough of the tags that it validates enough that it can function as a podcast on the Apple system. And that's in your yellow category. But we'll get to that one because.
That'S the important thing because nowadays you don't really have to go to Apple Pod Podcast Connect that you often had to do because they are the main player. But there you. If you got that, it's correct, you got the green light from Apple.
But now we see with the new tags or features it could be a challenge, so to speak. So it could be accepted by Apple. But with all these new features, it could be that it could, you know. Yeah. Be yellow in a way.
It's still an rss and it's working to be listening to, but it's not optimal.
Right. Dodo is valid. And we looked up one of my podcasts, Black Beauty Jag, and we're going to click Validate.
And you'll notice here that there are no errors, according to the response here, no errors found in the RSS feed. There's a lot more. There's so much information that we can get from the validator. We can look at that in another podcast episode.
What we're looking at right now is whether or not that RSS feed has any errors. And this particular RSS feed does not have any errors. It is a valid feed. So that's good.
It's a green light. We go forward on this one. So this is an example of a green light and no errors.
And we'll look at an example of another one, and this one just launched recently, and that is Studio Fusion, very recently. And another example of one that. Yes, no errors. A valid RSS valid feed.
And I will tell you now that the reason I know they're valid is not only because I checked them, but because I actually did a hack. I did. Well, not hack as in criminal. Okay. But I hacked the feed to make sure that it was valid. And that is a topic that we would cover another time.
Right now, we're just talking about valid RSS feed, the importance of that, and whether or not you want a valid RSS feed. I would think that you would want it, but that's something that you would consider. So Martin and I will talk about that a bit.
But it's the validity of the RSS feed. And if that's a determination, that is what you want. And if you've considered everything. Now, let's. That's a green light going forward.
So now we'll look at again. We're not. Not going to look at the red light because those are the podcasts that don't show up on true fans, but we are going to look at yellow.
That would be the warning. That would be the podcast that show up with errors. That would be the ones that we are. That are showing up as not completely 100% valid.
In other words, they do show up on true fans. They do show up as podcasts, but they've got warnings. I do have a feed, my very own feed, that is not valid.
So when you run the validator and you have a case, when you have errors. For instance, a chapter error and the chapter is not valid. That's an error. That's saying that the feed is not valid.
Another clue is when you don't have a little button that says claim or view, but you actually have a button that says that you need to contact the host. That means it's a yellow light. Proceed with warning because the RSS feed is not valid. I know this because I have this with my podcast.
I had it with the two that I just showed you that are green lights and I fixed them. Like I said, I hacked the feed.
If you want to know how to fix your feed so that it's valid, let me know and maybe we can cover that in our podcast here studio Fusion. And it is not for the faint of heart. I will tell you that it is not for the faint of heart.
But anyway, so we're looking at another one of my podcasts, Diabetic Real. And again, errors all over the place. It's the. There's no chapter in there and that's why it's producing and error. It is not a valid feed, by the way.
It's not that there's no chapters, but all of those little red spots there. If you can't see it, it's chapter errors. And I'll explain that.
That doesn't mean that there's any problem seeing the podcast or listening to the podcast. The podcast will still play, but it's not a valid feed.
Now, for me, it's important to me that I have a valid RSS feed and that's why I hacked the other feeds to correct them. And Diabetic Real will be fixed. I will be hacking this fe correcting it as well. This error is because I added dynamic content. I love that feature.
It's where you can add an ad or an intro or a preview. I added content. And when you do that, in this particular case, it adds an empty chapter. Now, interestingly, it does with dynamic content.
It doesn't happen. For instance, on all of my podcasts, I use dynamic content. It doesn't happen like in the middle. For instance, my ad in the middle of it.
It's only in the beginning and it happens now. I don't know with other hosts. I can comment on Captivate because I use Captivate. I actually did some testing and I put dynamic content as a pre roll.
Now, if you don't use dynamic content and all this sounds foreign, don't worry about it because you just ignore what I'm saying. But I put one pre roll and I put what's called a mid roll, even though I put it at the beginning of the content. So I had.
There were two files of dynamic content, a pre roll and then right at the beginning of the podcast. And I'm probably whichever was another. Another file.
And I had two chapter errors, like what you're seeing on the screen or what you're seeing on the screen or what you're seeing, whatever. Then I tried again. I thought, I'm not going to use a pre roll because maybe the pre roll is a problem.
And I put two files at the beginning of the mid roll, so there's. They're back to back. I had two problems. So then I thought, no, I'm not going to do this.
So then I tried it with one pre roll because a pre roll should work. It's set up for dynamic content so you can have an ad. So you have pre roll. I did it completely by the book. Pre roll content, chapter error.
Then I did it with no pre roll and I did it with a mid roll right at the beginning of the podcast. Chapter error.
So it didn't matter how you did that at the beginning of the podcast, which would be called a mid roll because it's inside the enclosure with the podcast or as a pre roll. Any combination, you got these chapter errors. The only way it worked is the post roll is.
Or if you put it in the middle, like after your podcast had been going for a while and you put an ad in the middle, those are the only times that you didn't have this. But if you put it right at the beginning, she had an empty chapter.
So just for clarification as an option with that decision tree, and if you want to find a solution where you don't have the validity issues but you want to use dynamic content, I don't think we put that one on our. Well, okay, you know what? That's overcomplicating it because that's kind of like exponential decision tree.
So let's save that for another podcast episode. Missing field. It's like, it's a. If you picture an Excel spreadsheet, it's like there's a column that's missing a field completely.
I won't go all into detail. It's actually a database field, a database table, and it's missing that cell and it's all out of wank. So it does not validate.
And that's why it's throwing off all these errors, because for every single one of those fields that's missing. In other words, if you have a Podcast that has two dynamic content pieces at the beginning.
It's going to throw out two errors for each one of those podcasts. So you can see how you have a really, you know, podcast with a lot of episodes. You're gonna have a lot of errors there.
Now, if you only have one dynamic content piece, you only have one per episode. But anyway, so that starts to log a lot of them. And by the way, it says, contact Captivate, because Captivate is my host. Yay, Captivate.
Captivate is already aware of this. So don't go hassling Captivate.
They already know about this particular situation, and it's not like they can push a button and all of a sudden it goes away. And. And that does not mean that Captivate is. Is doing anything wrong. So again, I. I hacked mine in order to fix the validation error.
Now I'll show you behind the scenes what that error is coming from. So we're on Trufans, and we're gonna actually look at the podcast now. You see in the chapters, there's actually two chapters at the very beginning.
Those are those dynamic content pieces, and there's no headings, there's no titles, there's no topics there. They're just empty. And I didn't create those. I mean, yes, I created the dynamic content, but I certainly didn't put, like, empty chapters there.
And the interesting thing is, on Trufans, okay, you can edit it, and maybe you didn't know this, and again, we can go into depth for how to do this. Mr. Sam Sethi showed me. I love the fact that you could do this in Trufans. Wonderful. You can go in and actually edit the episodes with your dashboard.
And so we go in and notice again, we can look at the chapters, and there's the two chapters, and we try to edit and watch what happens. There's a little error in the lower left, and it says that the chapter field can't be blank. Blank. Now, that's an excellent stopgap in the.
The program in True Fans, because it's stopping you from creating this. It's stopping you from creating an RSS feed that's invalid. That's wonderful.
The problem is the RSS feed is already invalid once it comes from the host. And so it's saying, hey, you can't do this. You can't create an empty field. But it's like, guys, it's already empty.
Is this place. Is that on? If you go to the settings and you come in and log in in a certain new place, you could say craters yes.
Yeah, the. Yeah. And I was going to show the whole thing, but then it was some private information, so that's the only reason I didn't show more.
And I'll try to figure out a better way of.
So after you have like claimed your own podcast, you. You could then log in on your creators dashboard and there you could do all.
Yep. There's a whole list of. Yeah, like I said, I just, no offense, I didn't want to share.
And there you have a gamification. If you do this list and we have some ideas about that, I like really your idea there, how we could help along.
Yep. You have a list of like your podcasts.
Once you log into your dashboard, like Martin said, after you've claimed your podcast, you have your podcast or all your podcasts, whatever, when you log in and there'll be this list and then what you do is you. I should have the picture. You look all the way across and right about here it'll say Episodes.
And you click on that and it pops open and you can see the whole list of episodes. And then you just go in like you're editing one of the episodes. And that's what I've done here is I've clicked into one of the episodes.
Probably the most tricky thing I just described was that you actually have to click on the little thing that says Episodes. So when you're looking at your list of podcasts, go to your podcast, or maybe you just have one podcast. That's fine. That's perfectly fine.
That's great. Just click on the thing that says episodes and it'll pop open all your episodes. Even if you have validation errors, it'll pop it open.
And in a way.
And now that's probably for another time with the hosting companies because there you could edit your, you know, your own blog post, your own file, replace it or whatever. If this will be really synchronized, then you should be able to do this kind of also, right? No, but shouldn't that be like an.
Well, it should, but you can't. You can't. Yeah, it should. It should. But I don't know about other hosting companies. I can only comment on Captivate.
And I mean, you know, the point of it is talking about RSS validation. You don't want validation errors. But specifically, we're using Chapters as an example and just happens to be Captivate.
Because I'm aware of that particular. You know, we're using it as a, as an example of a validation error.
But with, with this one, there's no way to fix And I've actually put it in a support request for Captivate. There's no way to fix it now.
I get this flashbacks from Libsyn. I remember when it was something funky so called with rss.
You got this error message and then you got afraid and saying, and try to refresh what's happening. And I want to publish this episode and so on. This is really food for thought in a way. It's very technical, it's very deep, but it's very important.
So I really like that you come up with this idea and this, you know, showing how to do it. This is very valuable, Deborah. It's a bit geeky, but.
Mr. Sam Sethi helped me out because we were talking, he showed me. He came over here and he deleted it. It was great. I'm like, oh, thank you so much.
You deleted the Empty chapter. But when I went in to do it, I couldn't do it. But it makes Sense. He is CEO of TruFans. He had Superuser. It's called Superuser.
He is a superuser, but it's also called Superuser Access. So he was able to delete that. But I don't have. Nobody else has super except developer and people on his team have Superuser Access.
Which makes sense because that little warning. Yeah, that little warning that popped up. And I'm sorry, I had another version that popped up.
But if you have this problem, it'll pop up right in the lower left here. And it says that you can't delete it because you can't have it with an empty. I mean, it is kind of funny, actually. It won't let you edit it.
And deleting it is. Is editing it. It won't let you edit it because you're not allowed to have an empty chapter. It's a little.
It's like what came first, the chicken or the egg. So you can't fix it. This particular problem, you can't fix it on Captivate because you can't get access to it.
And you can't fix it on True Fans because of the validation errors. True Fans is actually protecting you. You can't fix it anywhere else. So I'm just gonna empty now.
I could go in and try to delete it, but you get the same error. See, it pops up again, same error, because it's saying it's empty, it's empty. You can't do that. So you get in this vicious circle.
You cannot fix it because Trufans is trying to stop you from creating that error. And you're. You're stuck again. That's why I had to hack the feed to fix it. And again, it's not something that you can really mess up your feed.
So I really can't honestly recommend that you do what I did. But if you, you know, if you beg me, I might tell you how I did it.
And so if I get enough responses or people want to know how I did it, I will share that on this podcast. But I need to hear from you because I don't want to be sharing this, then have people really mess up their feed. I don't want to be blamed for that.
And, you know, I gotta have, like, no blame come back on me because you can do it. I've done it for two of my feeds and it didn't take me very long. But you can really, really mess it up.
So proceed with caution and not for the faint of heart or you hire someone to do it. So anyway, the question is, do you want your feed to be valid? For me, it wasn't a question. I need my feed to be valid. It's just who I am.
Not sure what happened there, but that was pretty much the end. That was pretty close to the end, but it got snipped somehow.
But yeah, I was just saying that if we're going to have this podcast, that's saying that we're all for podcasts in 2.0. I don't know how I can say it has to be valid. That's what I expected myself.
I'm not judging anyone else on their decision, their decision tree on that one. But for me personally, it just has to be valid.
This is good also, because you had this when you did with, with the rss and you put it called. In the, in the past it called it Toot on Mastodon. So but now I think they call it posts because it's easier to remember and very, very put it.
But you got a duplication, so it's easy to. But this could happen. I remember, for example, I have a podcast with old, very old podcast.
I don't know if it's blog talk radio or if it's SoundCloud or something that I don't, you know, can't. I can't control it anymore. But still, it's out there and it could be like a duplicate.
And I mean, in a way it's no problem, but you know, if you get lots of these problems. So.
Oh, it became a problem on the duplicate because they had different feeds and they were.
Yeah. And there you saw how this community, how they help out you wrote this post. A guy called Shad F was pinging or seeing, copying.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
On this OP3 with stats, open statistics. And then he chimed in and pinged some others, and there you have that case closed. And then you could continue the conversation.
Shout out. Yeah.
So that's why I thank you. Yeah. To talk to you. That you should really go into this.
For me, it's like sometimes these topics are very technical, but as long as it's related to podcasting on Podcast Index, social, it's okay.
And of course, if you're a newbie or you don't know how to do it and the Mastodon thing could be a bit, you know, it's a bit different, but it was very good that you posted this. And so I did the story. I liked that that you did that.
Thanks to.
So well on this one, now people know, generally speaking, what a valid RSS feed is, at least peripherally speaking. So now you guys have a decision to make and. Oh, we're gonna start kind of a. Would we say an action step.
So we thought we'd gamify it and put the action step at different places.
So when we have a guest, the guest will come up with the action step and maybe we'll put the action step in the middle of our episode, maybe at the beginning.
So you need to find the action step and I don't know, maybe we'll gamify that and have people make a list and who comes up with, you know, has like Easter eggs. Exactly, exactly.
But it is a bit new. Yeah.
So, Martin, how about our action step B to go validate your now granted to validate it yet you actually be. Have to be able to search for it on True Fan.
So that also includes or find alternative.
Oh, that's true. That's true. That's a good point.
See if it's the same result.
That's a good point.
So that could be good.
So your action step for this week is to validate. Now, that doesn't mean that it has to pass, but to validate your feed and that just means to run it through. I should say run it through a validator.
I think some fellow podcasts will have like, oh, this validator thing, I remember that back in the day, but okay, I haven't checked that for some time. So this is really good, Deborah. So thanks again for coming up with this and doing this overview and video and all this kind of thing.
Great value and material.
Thank you. I gotta go write down our action Step So I know what the list is, but thank you, Martin.
So I will say that maybe we'll find that in the. In certain things. I mean and I want to be in a natural way. But if you really. Even if we have, you know, back and forth.
But that's also a value if you like us, so to speak, talking back and forth. But if you really value this, you know what to do.
There you go.
You could subscribe, you could follow whatever you want to call it.
You could create an account on truefence and do that claim your own podcast and like if you want be a fan of our podcast and then you could send a comment with payment or a booster gram. You could stream satoshis during the listening. You could also send like buy me a coffee, I drink tea. So you could do that.
PayPal or Diet Coke, whatever. Yeah, I will send some silver coin or whatever. Yeah. Okay. Diet Coke to Deborah.
There you go. And we love to do shout outs so we will definitely mention you any kind of support. I've been watching the feed so definitely catch you.
If we don't catch you during, we'll definitely catch you afterwards and do shout out on that one. So there was something else. Oh, if you want to be a guest, you can find us the schedule and sign up to be a guest on our website.
Our website is at studiofusion co. It's but not the m dot co. Yeah.
So hopefully we hope that you know that are running Colombia because it's CEO is Columbia.
So we hope it.
Maybe I shouldn't said that, but okay. Yeah, please listen to that to the trailer and have you set that up on true fans that you could pay listeners if they listen to the trailer.
That's also gamification.
Exactly. So you get some stats.
Listen to the trailer because it's one to joke because now in the future it's listening time and engagement. It's not only download, but if you listen to the whole trailer because it's more than one minute, we will get to download. Yeah.
Oh, that's true. That's true. So yeah, go get some SATs. I'll do that. All right. Thank you for tuning in. We'll see you same time, same place next week.
Yeah, thanks.